The Watcher

Northwest flavor and pointed commentary. Entertaining pictures.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rep. Hastings needs to go

A recent letter to the editor hit the nail on the head. Rep. Hastings has to go! I refuse to use 'Doc' since that connotes wisdom, which he sadly lacks. For several reasons he needs to retire. One, he ran under self-expressed term limits, which he has quite forgotten. Two, he has twice voted against adherence to the Geneva Convention and for torture as a so-called tool against terrorism. Not only is that position morally indefensible, but also it runs counter to our American and Christian values. Three, one trillion dollars will be spent on an ill conceived war doing untold damage to our psyche and economy that will take years to repair, partly thanks to his votes. Every day that passes, Guantanamo Bay undermines our value system, holding people with no recourse (until mandated by the courts) to lawyers. What a message to send to the world! Will Rep. Hasting speak out against this? No, and with such votes and inaction Rep. Hastings undermines more of our American values. What a legacy; warrantless wiretapping, no Habeas Corpus, billions for Iraq but not for kids, and votes for torture. Way to go Rep. Hastings and please go soon.


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